What should be the Ideal handmade Mug? Why to prefer handmade?

While writing the article, I’ll elucidate few tips to choose your ideal mug for Coffee or Tea. There’s nothing like the smell of fresh brewed coffee or tea first thing in the morning. Whether you love a mug of black coffee to boost up or prefer a cup of tea for relaxation, a mug is indispensable. Brewing coffee or Tea is the first thing in the morning which boosts your energy for the whole day.
A plethora of individuals generally don’t aware of the differences between ceramic handmade tea mugs or coffee mugs. Surprisingly, there are myriad types of differences between teacups and coffee cups in terms of handle design, shape, and size. Artisans always aim to be designed teacups elegant, light weighted and cool the liquid quickly, and On the contrary, Coffee mugs are designed to help concentrate the flavor of the shot.
What is the best mug size?
The utmost admired size is 12oz and many standard mugs are around this large. It’s also the size of a standard can of soft drink, so there must be something about the human thirst that finds this size adequate. When using mugs for drinking tea, the size is really extensive. The tea is too wide and open cups end up being too watery and tasteless, too small and you don’t have enough to drink. For tea, the right size is 12 oz.
For coffee mugs sizes actually rely upon the coffee type, obviously you wouldn’t want to be drinking espresso from a massive mug. The most popular coffee cup for espresso is 6 oz cups, and the best mug size for a latte is 12 oz.
Can a mug really affect the taste of tea or coffee?
Shreds of evidence reflect that the mug color can alter the taste. With white mugs, the flavor was observed to be more intense. Apparently, the contrast in color between the coffee and white mug affects the perceived intensity and sweetness of the coffee.
The mug material really plays a paramount role in order to ameliorate the taste of coffee or tea.
- I reckon plastic mugs are the worst option to have coffee or tea. Plastic can absorb tastes, and certain types of plastic are not recycled. There are pieces of evidence exhibit that using plastic utensils can be harmful to health.
- Stainless steel is durable and probably the best option while traveling. These types of mugs give a metallic taste to your drink though. We are using stainless steel products for many decades.
- Glass mugs look beautiful however they are not durable well as don’t retain heat very well.
- Ceramic mugs are definitely the best, the above-mentioned materials ceramic Mugs are durable, eco-friendly, and quite elegant. They always maintain the perfect taste of your drinks, neither absorbing nor adding anything to the taste. They are natural insulators to keep your drink warm for longer.
Why handmade?
I would say ceramic mugs are the best to brew your caffeine boost or Tea. I have been using handmade ceramic mugs to have coffee or tea past few years.
There are a myriad of reasons exhibit as to why handmade ceramic mugs are better than other materials. One of the most prominent reasons is that ceramic mugs can retain heat effortlessly and keeps your drink warm for a longer time. Ceramic loses heat at a slower rate than other types of mugs in that ceramic is more porous, meaning conduction occurs slower in ceramic mugs.
If you’re using plastic cups or paper cups, you are not doing something great to save the environment, as they are not eco-friendly. While using a ceramic mug takes more energy and resource like clay which makes it bio-gradable.
Ceramic Mugs can be customized as per your expectations. You can personalize ceramic mugs to represent any personality or business. Even nowadays, numerous organizations prefer customized ceramic mugs with their logos in order to promote themselves.
In nutshell, Ceramic mugs keep your beverage warmer for longer, they’re good for the environment, and they’re simply more stylish. Whatever you’re searching for in a ceramic mug, the Ceramic Dining has the product for you.